Nameplate Frenzy began in 1996 as an online list to teach

it's members  how to use JascSoftware's Program,

Paintshop Pro.

We now teach members how to use Animation Shop.


We are a closed list. This means you only receive mail

from FConKeeper or one of the staff. We do this to

protect your email account.

As a list member, you can choose specific sections of the
 list that you wish to receive mail from. Those sections
 of the list are as follows:
-Fonts and Alphabets-

-Holiday Section-



-Members Birthday-
-Members Submissions-
We also have a weekly contest.
We have staff that can make nameplates or tags for you.
Our list is for creative people, those who want to
be creative and for those who just want to collect
 nameplates, tags, or animations.
As a new member we will provide you with beginner tutorials

 to get you started with your new PSP toy. Advanced tutorials may be obtained by participating in the Tutorial Section of NPF.


 Paintshop Pro is my favorite program on

my computer.

Once you learn how to use PSP, it could become yours as well.


Come along and join in the fun!!!!!

Join the Mailing List
Enter your name and email address below:

Subscribe  Unsubscribe 

Free Mailing Lists from Bravenet


Cool Links

 Staff Contributions


March 2001

Our Second Award

June 2001


Free Guestbook from Bravenet Free Guestbook from Bravenet



Set Design's by Skye